Debugging with uiAccess=true
My application requires uiAccess=true in manifest file and becomes digitally signed during post build event....
View ArticleExcel spreadsheet wrong cell update from OleDB
Hi I'm new hereI'm having problems in updating records from excel using VB 2010where its Header is at Row 5 in Excel.The Update part is fine what I'm having trouble is where it updates.Scenario: I want...
View ArticleCoded ui - Add/Create Custom Automation Property
Hi,How can I easily add custom property for Coded UI? I want to use/add other properties than the one defined in AutomationProperies (i.e HelpText, ItemStatus,...) , so I will be able to Bind them to...
View ArticleVBA webbrowser control different Rendering out of vba-project
Hi,I have problems regarding the IE version with the webbrowser control. I read a lot about possibilities to change the version by changing some registry settings, but only if it is started out of an...
View ArticleUIAutomation is not working in minimized Remote VDI machines
Hello All,I am in the process of automating a desktop application (based on C sharp) usingUIAutomation in legacy VBA.I am actually working in Remote VDI machine. My script is developed inside VDI and...
View ArticleAcces text box value based on index
Hi,I have tried to access textbox value based on indexFor ex if i have controls TextBox1 and TextBox2 in my aspx pagein my code behind we can access text property like below,TextBox1.Text = "suresh";...
View ArticleRibbon Toolbar is not accessible in Japanese OS using UI Automation...
Hello,I tried to access a third party ribbon controls in Japanese OS. It is working with the COM API. But it is not working with the managed System.Windows.Automation. And it is even not working with...
View ArticleAutomationElement Equals Implementation
Hi,I'm writing automated UI tests using the Microsoft UI Automation Framework. I'd like to compare two AutomationElements that represent two DataGridRows, for example. However, I get mixed results...
View Articlelabel AutomationElement - Can't get value or whether it's visible
I can't figure out how to get the text that is in a label (AutomationElement). I also can't figure out how to know if a label is visible. The property IsOffScreen doesn't show the right value. Please...
View ArticleUI Automation - Get text from label within a IUIAutomationElement object
I have a specific IUIAutomationElement that I would like to extract some label text from. The IUIAutomationElement has the name " Status ". As you can see, within the Status element, there are a few...
View ArticleUI Automation-Invoke() method is not initiating the click action on...
Invoke method is not clicking the button(trying to click a button on the Java Application). It is just passing the focus. Any help would be greatly appreciatedRegards, Eswar
View ArticleSendInput fail beause Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI) and integrity
I am try to simulate mouse event on Win7, and my application using an open source project "Windows Input Simulator" on website which internally use codes below to...
View ArticleWindows Equivalent required for customized linux command
my commands in linux are : find $ABC$ -type d -exec which chmod 1770 {} \; find $ABC$ -type f -exec which chmod o-r-w-x {} \; find $ABC$ -name "*.sh" -exec which chmod 750 {} \; find $ABC$/home/bin...
View ArticleWindows 8.1 Mouse Click Problems
I'm probably posting this to the wrong forum. Hopefully, somebody can point in the right direction.I'm doing Windows Store App development on 3 different boxes. On the other two boxes which are newer,...
View ArticleDisable control panel address bar
I need to prevent a user from using the address bar to explore other areas of the computer while in the control panel. I have a windows embedded app that hides the OS except for certain control panel...
View ArticleWindows 8 onscreen keyboard on logon screen
Hi!I develop Credential Provider for Windows 8. Sometimes i need to display Win32 dialog. All worked fine expect that if i run my CP on tablet PC and click on editbox control, Windows 8 onscreen...
View ArticleInfoPath 2013 AA Compliance
InfoPath 2013 is advertised as being AA compliant ( - InfoPath browser forms are now compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0...
View ArticleUI automation internationalization
I'm developing an UI automation client for MS Office. One anticipated issue is the deployment of this tool for MS office running with different language packs. Since we use UI element names for...
View Articleworking with UI Automation in c++
I want to automate my MFC applications and test them So can anybody help me with some examples to automate UI testing using automation element in c++.Thanks in Advance.Regards,AmrutAmrut.s.a
View ArticleVB .Net 4.5 - How to do IISreset at application server?
Hello everyone,We have a desktop application developed in VB .Net 4.5. We would like to automate to copying some dlls from project to our internal application server. After performing this action we...
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