How can I easily add custom property for Coded
I want to use/add other properties than the one defined in AutomationProperies (i.e HelpText, ItemStatus,...) , so I will be able to Bind them to my WPF application.
I read the article : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh552522.aspx
and it require a lot of maintence due to changes in the application.
Is there a simpler way to add custom automation property that "behave" as a defined one?
I mean that I want to "save/expose" properties of a control in the AutomationProperties.XXX so I will be able to check them.
for instance, I want to check the color of a control and if it change due to a certain action,
currently I save this information, the color of the control, in "AutomationProperties.HelpText"
I would like to be able to save it in "AutomationProperties.MyProperty".