[MSAA] Inspect32.exe can not track focus event in win7
I tried inspect32.exe in my WIN7 system, in Desktop, it can retrieve all focus event and show the Detail( eg Name, Role).But when I get into explorer ( eg. C:\ ), the File List focus change can not be...
View ArticleWindow Dialog Box Control Type in UIAutomation Provider
Hello, how can I tell that my window is a Dialog box? There is only UIA_WindowControlTypeId, and in MSAA there is role ROLE_SYSTEM_DIALOG, so, how can I show in UIAutomation Provider that my window is...
View ArticleDoes I express help you make a application installer?
As I have started using IExpress for windows to make a setup and installer for my game, I tested out the setup and it worked but it didn't register as a installed program on windows control panal...
View ArticleComplex providers structure in one hwnd-control
Hello, I have 1 hwnd-control, but I want it to appear in such structure: base-root-element -> root-elements -> simple-elements. base-root-element is a menu (imp. FragmentRoot, ProviderFragment,...
View ArticleHow to find the window, if there is no Caption and the Class names are Same
Hi Experts,I am writing an .Net Windows Application for an automation job, which would send some Key Strokes to a third party application and Login to it. But when I check the window of the third...
View ArticleAutomate Login to a Third Party Application
Hi Experts,I am trying to develop a .Net Application for automation which is able to login to a third party application and perform a set of jobs which is currently performed manuallyI am facing some...
View ArticleMicrosoft UI Automation/Get The Item That The User Clicks
I am trying to figure out what item (for example document, web page tab, window, picture, folder) the user has clicked on. I started by using the following code when I detect a global left mouse...
View Articlewindows(7/8) mounts a network storage automatically.
Hi team,is it possible to let win7/8 mount a network storage automatically when they receive a command?we would like to create an application to control win7/8 to mount a network storage that user...
View ArticleClientSideProviderDescription inputs do not seem to be considered
Hi,I have my own custom UIAutomation Clientside provider for automating a control.In that provider code, I have the below code -public static ClientSideProviderDescription[]...
View ArticleAccessibility and the MFC Ribbon
What is the best way to implement accessibility for the MFC ribbon controls. I am trying to set up a provider/server type app written in MFC that has a ribbon tool bar with many ribbons and menu's.It...
View ArticleXbox Controller for Disabled or Restricted
Dear Xbox,We friends, Mason, Nick, Graham, and Cade, all like to play video games frequently. But we have found a very disappointing problem in Xbox. When Mason started playing Xbox, he had a lot of...
View ArticleEye Gaze Software for free on windows 8
Is there anything out there for windows 8 what is free and I can use it with a standered webcam and windows computer?
View ArticleHow to Set MSAA name of File OpenFileDialog
Hi,Attached image we are using standard windows open file dialog. We would like to achieve constant MSAA name for controls on this dialog independent of the OS language to minimize Test automation...
View Articlethe smtp requires a secure connection 5.5.1
i try all the below methods but error still exists:.http://www.smarterasp.net/support/kb/a1546/send-email-from-gmail-with-smtp-authentication-but-got-5_5_1-authentication-required-error.aspx...
View ArticleI want to know how to learn win32 api?
I want to know how to learn win32 use C++,,,,,,,,,,, very confused. I don't know where to learn, do you have the chinese document?
View ArticleHow to Drag and Drop the AutomationElement using patterns or by Mouse Operation
Hi,I want to implement an Automation tool, which will automate the test using UI.I am implementing it using WPF,C# and using AutomationElement I have implemented the Pattern for the controls.I am stuck...
View ArticleLogging Drag and Drop Actions of Users
I am trying to figure out a way to log user drag and drop actions across the entire Windows desktop. I've found various mouse hooks which detect what has been clicked and the Windows UI Automation...
View Articledisability
im a single father of 2 boys 10 and 11. I have a major mental disabilitys. Most of the time all I do is stay inside and talk on the computer because I get nervous in public bad. I make $634.00 a month...
View ArticleHave a question regarding automation of Memory Testing
Hello,We are working on automating memory testing and ran into a problem where it appears that the automation interfaces are holding references to controls within our application. This gives us a bogus...
View ArticleRunning UI Automation using AutoRun Dll
Hello All,I am automation UI using UI Automaiton in c#. The code is working well when I am runing it using Visual Studio. But I created dll of it and tried to run dll from some other Application but...
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