Can someone refer me to a good windows application developer?
I want to pitch a idea for my new software.If you're serious reply, then we can discuss it. Hint: Drivers lessons
View Articleretrieved control type and control pattern through UIAutomation library are...
This issue doesn't happen with all applications, but consistently happen with NotePad.For example, in UISpy, it shows the control Type is controlType.document. Text control pattern is listed there and...
View ArticleGetting word under the cursor
Hi there,for a new project I would need the exact word that lies under the current cursor position.Its quite easy to accomplish this with jQuerry within a browser but I need to do this system wide. As...
View ArticleMy windows service automatically stops after some days of running. I can't...
My windows service automatically stops after some days of running. I can't identify why this is happening. My windows service is written in c#
View ArticleUIAutomation Disapears on second or third call
Hello,I'm working on using UIAutomation on a Flash app. Trying to get the UI objects from outside of a flash app that runs in a browsers.Everything is working fine. In other words, I find all the...
View ArticleDeploy my application in Client Computer without attaching Database by my self
I Use Visual Studio 2010 to create costume Desktop application (in for Small businesses, i use sql server 2008 for Database.I follow following steps1. create setup of my application(xxx.msi)...
View ArticleLabels and Flash
I have a client who is blind and is working for an international company. He was very successfully doing his job as a system administrator until the company started to update their software. MS...
View ArticleHow to trap PowerPoint Close event
Hello,I use the Reflection to subscribe the events from PowerPoint as below:EventInfo eInfo = m_powerPoint.GetEvent(_eventName); if (eInfo != null) { Type handlerType = eInfo.EventHandlerType;...
View ArticleReleasing IRawElementProviderSimple implementations
Hi,I'm trying to add server-side accessibility to a control and because of that I implemented IRawElementProviderSimple and handed it out during WM_GETOBJECT. So far so good, narrator is now able to...
View ArticleHow to implement client-side provider and patterns for custom control (Not...
Does anyone has experience about implement provider and patterns for custom control? In client-side, we can't inside the control and not do more operations. I interested that how Microsoft implement...
View ArticleHow to enable a screen reader application to read information contained in...
Scenario : I have a VB6 application and to make it useful for the visually impaired people I also installed JAWS on the system. This VB6 application contains a custom MsgBox where any information can...
View ArticleHow to Automate Windows calendar control (Select date) using UI Automation...
I am looking for a way to automate my calendar control.I am able to identify the control / Automation element.Now, i need to select a date in the calendar.I would appreciate if get code...
View ArticleUI automation cannot find an element. Inspect Object can.
Hi,I'm attempting to grab a particular control using UI automation. The Inspect Object tools shows the control in the appropriate tree, and I can even navigate to it and have it be highlighted, but my...
View ArticleApplication is hung when calling AccessibleObjectFromPoint
Hello all,I have an application need to retrieve the control information base on calling AccessibleObjectFromPoint. However, when I call this API, sometimes the targeted application is hung if the...
View ArticleMicrosoft UI Automation - Problem statement
Dear Folks.I am pretty new to, "GUI Test Automation”, hence, seek your help at this juncture. At the moment, I am being asked to write a utility that will:First read all the window controls on the form...
View ArticleExceptions being raised by the UIA WaitForInputIdle() Method
I work for team trying to extend our automated test capability, and we're leveraging the Microsoft accessibility libraries. We use the native Windows UIA libraries...
View ArticleUnmanaged UIA libraries throw and exception in heavy UI while managed doesn't
Hi all,For out automated UI testing, we originally started using the managed UIA libraries, and found them to be quite fast and reliable, however certain UI elements implemented with legacy properties...
View ArticleItemsControl being skipped by Narrator (Windows Store App)
Narrator is skipping my ItemsControl in the below XAML.I can swipe to the ReviewsButton, but subsequent swipe skips over all the items in the itemscontrol. Tapping on the itemscontrol results in...
View ArticleIs there any way to programatically check if Narrator is on and inspecting...
We have a requirement to show a different view of our documents (less graphic and easier to navigate) if Narrator is on...
View ArticleXAML Page load announcements in Narrator (Windows 8 Apps)
When a page loads focus goes to the first tab-stop. Narrator will read whatever text is on that control. But, my pages have a title... it's a textblock. They then have sub-headings (again textblocks)....
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