Hello all,
The scope of the UI Automation forum has expanded to cover all Microsoft accessibility/automation technologies, including UI Automation and Microsoft Active Accessibility. This forum is for discussion of software development, not end-user issues.
The typical user of this forum will be:
- A developer who needs to make a control accessible.
- A developer who needs to create an assistive technology such as a screen reader, screen magnifier, on screen keyboard, command & control utility, etc.
- A developer who wants to create test automation for a GUI.
When posting issues to the forum please clearly identify the technology you are using, as well as whether you are developing a server/provider component or a client application.
This is a community forum sponsored and moderated by Microsoft, and we hope it provides a place for information to be exchanged. The moderators will also do their best to point you to the information you need, but please keep in mind that we cannot offer support on blocking issues or attempt to resolve bugs.