I'm working on an accessibility software which uses the Magnifier API to magnify parts of the screen. The software is compiled in win32-configuration and is supposed to work on Windows Vista/7 in 32 Bit mode and on x64 machines in WoW64-mode.
The software works fine on a 32 Bit OS, but if I run the software on a x64 machine in Wow64-mode, the magnifier shows only a black rectangle instead of the magnified area. This happens not always, but at least at 50% at the time.
To isolate the problem, I was running the magnifier example code from the Windows Sdk and I could reproduce the same behavior here. It runs fine on a 32 Bit machine, but not always in Wow64 on a x64 machine.
Then I recompiled the magnifier sample in x64 configuration and .. surprise .. it works fine on the x64 machine.
- win32 32Bit OS -> works
- win32 64Bit OS (WoW64) -> doesn't work always
- x64 64Bit OS -> works
So it seems to works in every configuration except of WoW64. I would greatly appreciate it, if there is any way to make this work in WoW64 mode (because providing a 64 Bit-compiled application would increase the complexity of the release process)