We are using WPF controls and reporting framework from DevExpress XtraReports. Housed inside a custom WPF control, there is a Group control called 'BarManager' that has two child Group controls, "BarContainerControl" and "DocumentPreviewDockLayoutManager".
When a user first opens the reporter, all expected elements are visible. The BarContainerControl, though it is visible and all of its child controls are displayed, cannot be seen by the UIA Verify tool and attempts to automate it result in null reference exceptions.
I have attempted using FindAll, FindFirst, ControlViewWalker, and RawViewWalker to grab the BarContainerControl. The only thing that makes the BarContainerControl visible to UIA is a manual click on one of the child controls prior to automation.
Is this an issue with UIA, or is it likely to be an issue with the control authors not allowing the children to be automated until a condition is met?
Any help is appreciated.
A. Daly