Is there a property to click on a radio button using UIautomation
The problem is selecting the on the radio button i am unable to see the further actions that is performed , as the client is performing
i am using this code to detect the radio button and selecting it:
AutomationElement AlignmentradioButtonPASS = GetTextElement(appElement1, "rdBtnPass");
if (AlignmentradioButtonPASS != null)
xmlWriter.WriteElementString("PASS_Contrast_Pattern", "Tests");
xmlWriter.WriteString("Click on Contrast Pattern Button and PASS Radio Button");
SelectionItemPattern AlignradioCheckPass = AlignmentradioButtonPASS.GetCurrentPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern) as SelectionItemPattern;
In my client application the moment i click on the radio button that particular grid is getting highlighed, but in my script on select it is not getting highlighted
Any suggestions or solutions please help