I'm doing some tests with speech recognition engine on my app, this is a sample grammar from my code:
GrammarBuilder _Start = new GrammarBuilder("start action");
Grammar _Actions = new Grammar(_Start);
This should recognize when i say "start action".
The problem i'm having is:
- It indeed recognize when i say "start action", but if i say "start start" it also recognize it the grammar.
And if i make the Grammar using Choices, its even worse.
Choices _Action = new Choices();
_Action.Add(new string[] {"Recording", "Playback", "Transfer"});
GrammarBuilder gbAction = new GrammarBuilder();
Grammar _Actions = new Grammar(gbAction);
If i say "start start".
I get "Start Recording" or "Start Playback", ..., recognized randomly.
This behavior is "normal"? or i'm missing somethng? some settings maybe?
I tried using Inputfrom wav file instead of DefaultInput, the results where the same.
Note: If i use a very long phrase like "start speech engine now", it doesn't recognize the "start start" as speech.
But then it becomes a very awkward voice interface for my app.
MS Speech Platform 11 SDK
MS Speech Runtime 11
OS : W7
Target CPU: X64
Thx in advance.