I'm writing a UI automation software for another software. I need to select a row in the datagrid and then click on the run button. I tried most of the example codes in the internet and each time wasn't successful. For example for selecting a gridview row:
When I write the following code:
AutomationElement dataGrid = this.mainWindow.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, "2885")); if (dataGrid != null) { GridPattern pattern = GetGridPattern(dataGrid); AutomationElement tempElement = pattern.GetItem(1, 1); tempElement.SetFocus(); }
I receive the error: "Target element cannot receive focus." which is related to the last line.
I also tried the code:
AutomationElement mainGrid = // find the grid in the window var columnCount = (int)mainGrid.GetCurrentPropertyValue(GridPattern.ColumnCountProperty); var mainGridPattern = (GridPattern)mainGrid.GetCurrentPattern(GridPattern.Pattern); var rowToSelect = 2; // select just the first cell var item = mainGridPattern.GetItem(rowToSelect, 0); var itemPattern = (SelectionItemPattern)item.GetCurrentPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern); itemPattern.Select();
but I and I received the error :"Unsupported Pattern".
I should mention that I'm using UI Spy for retrieving the elements properties. I have attached a picture of UI Spy showing this datagrid properties.
Could you explain me what's wrong and how should I select a row?