In our framework we are using CUIT and UIA Automation.
We see that when we create any coded UI Test project in VS 2013 it is referring "UIA Comwrapper.dll" instead of two dlls (UIAutomation Types and UIAuatomation Client) used in VS 2012.
We updated our framework to use "UIA Comwrapper.dll" in case of VS 2013. But we observed following problems in VS 2013.
Below are some of the problems that we have seen,
1) The function "ClientSettings.RegisterClientSideProviders" to register client side providers is not available in VS 2013 if UIAComWrapper is used. Because of this, we are unable to register our clientsideproviders.
2) We observed one of the combo box which was working in VS 2012 is not working after moving to VS 2013. When we looked into this problem we found that "SelectionItemPattern" was supported on the listitems of this combo box and we used this pattern to automate, when we moved to VS 2013 this is broken and we see that listitems of this combo box no more support "SelectionItemPattren".
3) Similar observations are seen for one of the Tree item (class name of Treeview is TreeViewWndClass) we have code to check "Expanded" state. This is was working in VS2012 and in VS 2013 it is not working.
We looked into this further, below is the reason,
In our framework we see if the property is supported on control or not by getting supported properties list and if it is supported we get the property value. Here we see that “ExpandCollapsePatternIdentifiers.ExpandCollapseStateProperty” is listed in supported properties list in VS2012(UIAutomation Types and UIAuatomation Client) where as in VS2013(UIAComWrapper) we don’t see this.
Out of above problems first one is our major concern, we wrote CUIT Extensions to support our ActiveX controls but those are not in usable state with VS 2013.
Our question is,
1) Do we have any hot fix for UIA Com wrapper which includes "ClientSettings.RegisterClientSideProviders" so that we can use that. When can we expect fix for this?
2) We observed that UIAComwrapper dll has most of the functionalities available in "UIAutomationTypes" and "UIAutomationClient" dlls. VS 2013 coded UI test seems to have built-in reference to UIAComWrapper (not seen in the references). Are you going to stop delivering "UIAutomationTypes" and "UIAutomationClient" assemblies in future versions of visual studio? Because we have seen UIAComwrapper is introduced in VS 2013.