Hi, guys
I found UIA BoundingRectangle property value is not correct in latest win os.
I wrote a test app to print desktop's BoundingRectangle, result on OS 9860 is 1536x864, but actual resolution is 1920x1080.
Any idea?
Here is the code, pretty simple:
CoInitialize(NULL); IUIAutomation2* _pUIAutomation = NULL; CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CUIAutomation8, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&_pUIAutomation)); IUIAutomationElement* rootElement = NULL; _pUIAutomation->GetRootElement(&rootElement); //use get_CurrentBoundingRectangle RECT rectBoundingRectangle; rootElement->get_CurrentBoundingRectangle(&rectBoundingRectangle); printf("[get_CurrentBoundingRectangle] left: %d, top: %d, right: %d, bottom:%d\n", rectBoundingRectangle.left, rectBoundingRectangle.top, rectBoundingRectangle.right, rectBoundingRectangle.bottom); //use GetCurrentPropertyValue VARIANT boundingRectangle; RECT rectBoundingRectangle2; VariantInit(&boundingRectangle); rootElement->GetCurrentPropertyValue(UIA_BoundingRectanglePropertyId, &boundingRectangle); _pUIAutomation->VariantToRect(boundingRectangle, &rectBoundingRectangle2); printf("[GetCurrentPropertyValue] left: %d, top: %d, right: %d, bottom:%d\n", rectBoundingRectangle.left, rectBoundingRectangle.top, rectBoundingRectangle.right, rectBoundingRectangle.bottom); VariantClear(&boundingRectangle);
I found Inspect.exe can get the correct BoundingRectangle, this is wired, because Inpect.exe is also using native UIA.
Here is the screenshot:
When I uninstall the Intel Graphic driver and using MS Basic display driver, My test app can get the correct BoundingRectangle value. But I want it work with Intel Graphic driver. Since Inspect.exe can get the right value with Intel driver, I think there should be some way to walk around this issue.
Any suggestion is welcome, and anyone know where I can get the source code of Inpect.exe, so I can found out how Inpect.exe handle this issue.