I am Working in a 1366x768 screen when I tried to execute the winform in higher resolution 1680x1050 or even could be more I am facing the below issue explained in detail.
I am using tablelayout panel contains 1 picturebox in each column contain 6 columns and to be followed like this in 5 rows can calculate as 5x6=30 pictureboxes. Issue is picturebox size should be widthxheight as 3:4 ratio
I didn't have any issues while i am trying to execute in low resolution while i am trying to execute in higher resolution GAP between each column is getting more and i am not able to adjust even i tried with table layout dockstyle is full and picture boxes dock style and anchor properties i adjusted but i can't resolve. below is the attached code. please help me in advance so that i may proceed it faster.