Hi, guys, I got a problem at win8.1 pro, even it's ok now;
I take my points to Engineers for reference, may it a bug:
My pad just got few days ago, the day before yesterday
I updates it with itself system services;
(system environment : window8.1 pro, build 9600)
surely it will be restarted after fully download packs;
that moment, it's about 50% battery storage;
it's took huge long time at loading at manufacture logo,
finally it's stucked for the loading bar stopped, I have to
long press switch to shut it down even it alrady remind
me not close before updating finished!
it's still in manufacture logo or sometimes into blue page
system can't self recovery, the problem code suffix is 000001;
I'v no idea & left it to sleep util tomorrow morning, I connected
it to power charger, amazing! it's alive, comes into login page...
so, my guess is
some services may be closed while power low, but it's important
to updating ....